This page last changed on Nov 07, 2006 by ross.

The servlet connector is really just facade to a Sevlet implementation. The implementing servlet does the work of receiving a request, the connector can then hand-off the request to any receivers registed with it. There is notion of a dispatcher for this connector, it is triggered by a request and may or may not return a response.

Mule provides a REST style service implementation that uses the servlet connector. For more information see Mule REST.

The javadoc for this transport provider can be found here . And the Source Xref can be found here .

The connector class name is org.mule.providers.http.servlet.ServletConnector

Servlet Connector Properties

Property Description Default Required
servletUrl The full Url that the MuleReceiverServlet is mapped to.   Yes

For more information about using Mule with Servlet containers, see Embedding Mule in a Webapp.

Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27